< Վերադառնալ


The Armenian IT industry is also vulnerable to rare but impactful events, such as data breaches, cybersecurity threats, unexpected technology failures. Those events have been named by Nassim Taleb as “Black swan”. These are systemic risks that policy makers should consider, analyse and adopt robust security measures, contingency/recovery plans.

At the same time IT systems should ensure resilience and thus using backup, load balancing (distributing network traffic across multiple servers) and decentralized architectures can help to adapt and improve under stress, which is named with term “Antifragile” by Nassim Taleb.

For policy makers to be effective, it can be used Taleb’s approach for incentivizing and assessing their personal career promotion based on performance and security of IT systems of Armenia, meaning to have “Skin in the game”.

If following Taleb’s advice of using barbell strategy (dividing your resources into two extremes while avoiding the middle ground), Armenian policy makers should avoid middle-ground initiatives that may be prone to failure but instead invest in both highly stable, essential infrastructure (e.g., core network and data center) and at the same time in high-risk, innovative projects (e.g., startups and R&D). 

Applying Taleb's ideas to Armenian IT industry can help organizations navigate the inherent uncertainties and risks in technology and digital operations. By embracing antifragility, robustness, and adaptive strategies, IT professionals can better prepare for the unexpected and protect their systems and data from potential black swan events.

By the way Nassim Taleb will be invited be a speaker on 1 and 2 December during Science and Business Conference, Armenia, 2023, so you can personally meet world known scholar and statistician and as I always I will be there to connect you with Nassim Taleb.


Artak Sahakyan, Ph.D., tech blogger



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