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Lars Kollind delivered speeches on two occasions, once in the Yandex Hall and another at the Central Bank, and I had the privilege of attending both. If there were more, I would make it a point to attend them all.

“Become rule makers and rule changers rather than rule takers,” Lars Kollind began, as he shared insights from his journey as an innovator, investor, entrepreneur, philanthropist, bestselling author, and a true leader.

Lars first felt like a leader at the age of 13 when he became a Scout Patrol leader. In this role, he aimed to care for everyone and recognize each scout’s strengths, assigning tasks based on their competencies. This experience taught him a lifelong lesson: that everyone has a unique skill, and it’s a leader’s job to uncover it.

Lars Kollind gained substantial leadership experience when he took on an executive role at Oticon (hearing aid support), a company on the brink of bankruptcy. Under his guidance, Oticon transformed into a multimillion-dollar profit-generating enterprise. His key actions included:

1.    Shifting the company’s purpose to bring smiles to people in need of hearing aids.

2.    Removing chairs and tables from meeting rooms, reducing meeting times by 75%.

3.    Implementing a flat management structure, eliminating departments and titles to foster direct communication. This revolutionary, non-hierarchical system, known as the Spaghetti Organization, became a renowned case study in management courses.

4.    Eliminating paper use to reduce bureaucratic paperwork.

These changes boosted Oticon's operational efficiency fourfold within two years.

Lars also influenced Lego’s strategic shift from focusing solely on plastic toys to using them as educational tools that teach STEM concepts, such as engineering, physics, and math, to children.

Today, Lars’s founded two companies have a combined worth of $22 billion—exceeding the GDP of Armenia showing that one leader can make huge impact.

With a track record of founding and consulting successful companies, Lars is now working on an innovative recruiting platform. This platform promotes a new approach to recruitment, allowing companies to advertise their brand and invite applications without specific job requirements or descriptions. The platform’s AI tool then selects the best candidates for interviews, reducing bias in the shortlisting process. Additionally, candidates receive immediate notification if they’re shortlisted, allowing them to select interview dates promptly, saving time for both candidates and employers.

Lars Kollind also shared valuable advice with the audience:

  • Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
  • Prioritize purpose over self-interest.

Artak N.G. Tech and science blogger, http://www.linkedin.com/in/artakng, t.me/armtechblog



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